Sunday 30 May 2010

Gaining and losing.

When you want something, you have to lose something else in return.

Don't u realise that you can never have everything in this world?

Don't be greedy.

Or else you'll never live in peace.

I wont shed a tear. Coz this is what i've chosen.

Whatever comes next, let's deal with it later.

As for now, i need to appreciate and enjoy what i still have. Before it's gone.

For i realised, i can never have both.

And i'm ready to let go.

Erm, am i?

Only God knows..

Wednesday 26 May 2010


I just came across this name bila aku baca this one blog talking about Hlovate's writing. Ramai dah rupanya jadi peminat si Hlovate ni.. apsal aku tak tau pun?

Tapi bila renung-renung semula all the titles cerita yang dia pernah tulis, ada satu yang cam familiar. Versus. Aku rasa cam pernah baca citer tu and memang aku jatuh cinta giler! Rupanya Hlovate yang tulis!!! Ina bagi sofcopy of the citer through ym. Aku pun layan je la since first year kat uk sangat la free..

No wonder la ramai peminat.. sebab aku memang ske giler citer tu.. sangat suweeet!! And after baca aku promote kat sume kawan2 aku.. ada yang baca, ada yang tak.. and feedback yg diberikan memang positif.

And now.. aku rasa cam nak gi beli semua novel Hlovate!! Tapi kena tahan nafsu membeli for the time being coz banyak lagi kegunaan duit aku yang tak berapa banyak ni.

Bila lah aku nak ada gaji sendiri. Leh shopping novels banyak2!!! Tak sabar! Help! Help!

Thursday 20 May 2010

Minda bercapah?

Pernah dengar tak?

Haa.. benda ni sebenarnya mmg wujud. Aku slalu kutuk lecturer aku dulu sebab die ada minda bercapah.

Tapi now, seems like it's happening to me.. Oh God.. Forgive me.. huhu..

The problem i'm having now is..

Bila aku nak cerita kat orang about benda A, otak aku pikir pasal A, tapi aku duk describe pasal benda B.. confident lak tu..

Tak tau la camne.. tapi cam what i register in my mind is different with what i'm saying. This thing tak berlaku so often, but lately.. erm..agak kerap..

Dan satu lagi masalah.. aku slalu tersalah hantar mesej kat orang.. & IT ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME!

Help! Is there any cure for this penyakit? Please?

Well done Me!


Dengan berakhirnya exam pagi tadi, maka berakhirlah hidup aku sebagai seorang STUDENT!

Perasaan aku?

Erm.. lega, sebab dah takyah study seperti seorang student lagi..

Dan sedih.. sbb dah tak jadi student. haha.. keling! Belajar dah jadi sebahagian hidup aku. And now.. it's over.. of course it feels weird. And rasa kehilangan kot. erm...

Pasni, bersedia tuk KERJA.. and KAHWIN. Hoho.. totally a new phase in my life.

Ready ke aku?

Kalo nak jawab secara jujur dari hati dan jantung.. memang ar aku tak ready..

Tapi sampai bila taknak ready kan? Redah je la Rin oi.. just go with the flow.. InsyaAllah you'll be fine.

Please pray for me.. i'm scared~