Thursday 22 January 2015

Finally! Laki ku dapat pindah!

Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah.....

Syukur setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran pada Allah. Akhirnya penantian yang sekian lama berakhir juga. Tadi Jumi called, ckp the final result of the final meeting dah keluar. And he will be transfered to Kerteh bermula 1 Mac 2015. Though i already expected it sebab last week he's told me that they have received an email regarding this.. so the chance is about 99% .. And today is the confirmation. Alhamdulillah rezeki dariNya.

I wanna go to Labuan before you come back here plssss... i wanna say good bye kepada tanah yang menyimpan seribu kenangan manis dan kenangan paling pahit dalam hidup ni. After all, you've gotta cherish your life, your memories, be it the good ones or the bad ones. I wanna cherish them all. Labuan... sebuah nama yang bila aku sebut, akan ada perasaan manis dan pahit. nak tersenyum dan menangis at the same time. Ada satu tusukan tajam dan kemudian, ada air penawar yg mengalir juga. Complicated sungguh. haha...

I can foresee my life in the next 2 months. It's not gonna be the same anymore. InsyaAllah we'll be able to move into  our new home. And new working hours for me. New school for M&M's. And of course new lifestyle with him around. Wheeeee! I'm so looking forward to it.

Owh rasa nk berjoget dan menyanyi riang.. lalalalala~

Friday 9 January 2015

A Long Summary of the past 6 months

Gosh! the last time i updated this blog was on July 2014. And now it's already 10th of January. Kesian blog ni, abandoned for a long time. So, today anak2 tidur rumah nek wan, so i'm gonna have a bit of me-time, will try to update what has happened since july.


Alhamdulillah, kami berjaya membuka cafe pada 10th of September. Actually kalau nk ikutkan bersedia, mmg tak bersedia langsung. Sistem pun tak figured out lagi, barang banyak lagi tak complete, but hey, kalau tak start now, bila lagi? nk tunggu perfect? adooiii.... sewa dah start bayar since march.. cannot hold any longer la.. manyak rugi woooo... so we decided to 'redah' je, and Alhamdulillah sambutan luar biasa sangat. Masa opening day, full house! Sampai ramai yang kena berdiri. dan chiller cake kosong!

Opening day mmg sangat meriah. Rasa nk terkangkang pun ada.. hahaha.. bayangkan kena serang serentak at lunch hour.. mostly by family and friends and follower2 Panaderia yang dah lama tunggu sbb teaser kat FB dan insta since march lagi.. haha.. finally dpt jugak buka, hah amik kaww... terus kena serbu.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah..

Dan sesungguhnya, tugas nak running cafe ni bukanlah semudah yang disangka. I admit that we underestimated the task. Phew... kalau terkenang balik, what a risk taker we are. Kami banyak terlanggar dinding, tergolek, terlentang, pastu bangun semula. haha.. banyak la trial and adjust yang kami terpaksa buat dan hadapi. Ye la walaupun some of us ada pengalaman before this, tp this time, it's totally different. Cabaran dari segi pekerja, management, system, emosi.. fuh, seriusly it's not easy. Sangat2 challenging. Rasanya kalau tak kuat, dah lama rebah and kalah. Tapi Alhamdulillah, berkat doa dan kesabaran dan kerja kuat semua orang, kami masih bertahan sampai hari ini. Dan alhamdulillah we are doing better and better insyaAllah.

Sekarang, after 4 months bukak the cafe, things are more manageable, dah makin stabil, system makin kukuh, pelanggan makin ramai, pekerja makin berkaliber, dan kami pun makin matang. Syukur sangat2.. Our target is by this year, kami akan mampu auto run kan the cafe.. so that we could have more free time ourselves. Sebab right now we are working 7 days a week, unless ada hal tertentu, boleh la amik cuti. This is part of the sacrifices that we have to made. insyaAllah tak lama lagi bila dah auto run, semua orang boleh rehat sikit. ameen..ameen..

ok habis bab cafe. now pegi bab seterusnya...


Well, after quite sometime been struggling on a sinking boat, apparently we managed to repair the boat, and the boat tak jadi sinking. hahahhaha... Alhamdulillah for that. i can feel that my love for him is going strong. Stronger than ever. Through this, i learned so many things, about myself, about him, about relationships, about marriage, which i think i would not learn sampai bila2 kalau Allah tak uji kami macam ni. Yang mana mata tertutup, hati tertutup sebelum ni, semua dah tercelik dek tamparan hebat yang Allah bagi. Sakit. Memang sakit. Tak terperi. Tapi manisnya pun tak terperi. I can now look back, and be able to smile bila memikirkan the journey that we had to go through masa tu. haha.. ntah apa2..di uji at a such young age. And i met a few people that inspire me a lot, because they have rode on the same boat before and manage to come out stronger. Apa2 pun, berbalik pada Allah. Bila kita meletakkan sepenuh tawakal, insyaAllah hati mudah jadi redha. After all, semua yang kita ada ni milik Dia. Suami, anak2, harta benda, pangkat, nama... kalau dia nak tarik, takkan kita nak marah pulak kan? hmmm.. bersedia. that's the keyword. insyaAllah we'll be fine. I love him. I love me. I love us. That's all about it!


Marissa dan Maisara tahun ni akan masuk 4 tahun. They no longer sent to Educare UIA, but now dah enrolled at Vital Years. Macam pusat tuisyen la. Ajar english and reading. They seem to enjoyed it very much. Hari2 tak sabar ajak ibu pegi vital years. Though i suspect dia happy sgt sebab dapat makan snack during the break. I bekalkan kacang2, choco oat, coookies.. tu yg dia gemar sangat tu. tapi hopefully they really enjoy the learning experience la. Hai la anakku, ibu is trying her very best to provide you with the best education. And to compensate for the time that i cannot spend with you. Doakan ibu cepat2 dapat auto run cafe, so ibu dapat spend moreeee time with you girls ok!

By the way, it's already 12.30pm.. i need to bersiap pergi rumah nekwan, meet the girls and then go straight to cafe. Tak tau la bila lagi ada free time nak update blog ni.. till then, taraaaaaaa!