Thursday, 29 September 2011

Few days to go~

The date is all set! Gosh.. knowing that in a few days time, u will be cut open, is damn scary ok. hukhuk.. Hanya pada Allah aku beserah. Dan jika ini ketentuanNya, aku redha. Yang penting, my babies sihat dan selamat.

Bila tengah2 tunggu hari ni, any pain kat area perut should be taken seriously. Since this is my first experience, i have no idea how would it feels like. Orang kata mula2 tu macam senggugut kecil, tapi never in my life aku pernah kena senggugut. So again, aku tak tahu camne rasa sakit tu. Pastu, tiap kali rasa sakit, i'd ask myself, ni sakit nk berak ke? or sakit nk bersalin? ke sakit kembung perut? haha.. suspen kot!

I've gained 25kg so far.. that explains the beratness i'm carrying in my perut. sangat2 heavy i tell u. Sabar2.. sket je lagi. huhu..

Can't wait to meet my hubby. Harap2 nothing will happen until he's here. I'm praying hard so that everything will go smoothly, and moga me and my babies selamat.. ameen. :)


riaizzatirazali said...

yeay yeay besok jadi aunty ya! haha nama nak glam je. jgn lupa mms gmbr baby pls! ;p

Rynn said...

hihi.. yeay! takde aunty2 ya.. ko jadi mak ya.. hahah.. doakan aku k.. i'll update u soon as i can :)

_N.Othman said...

Rozzairin..... I am super happy for u~!!!! COngratulations to both of u n ju. Be blessed with your extending family ^_^