I am now officially a member of an exclusive club of twin mothers. :D
Akhirnya.. segala penantian selama 9 bulan telah pun berakhir pada 3hb October 2011. Aku dah selamat melahirkan my twin babies via c-section. Sakit wooo! Tapi Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.
The first baby i named her Marissa. And the second baby Maisara. Simple je. Sebab senang nanti nak isi borang masuk unibersiti. hihi.. Marissa lahir dengan berat 2.69kg, Maisara plak 2.72kg..
I was fully pengsan masa operation tu, tak cukup kuat semangat la nak amik separuh badan je. and my hubby was allowed to enter the operation theatre, so he got to see how the doctor keluarkan our babies from my tummy.. i'm so proud of u for being so brave hun. :)
I was talking to the doctor when they asked me to sedut the gas, and the next thing i know, i was on the stretcher heading to the elevator. Masa tu dah mula rasa sakit teramat sangat, but i was too weak to even open my eyes. Aku sedar badan dan bibir aku menggeletar kesakitan sebab ubat bius dah habis, tapi aku tak dpt nk ckp or bukak mata. Mujur mak aku panggil nurse suh kasi ubat tahan sakit. then aku pengsan again. huhu..
There's no nice pic of me with the babies on the first day to put here, because my look was so miserable. ada pulak orang pegi tocang rambut aku, dah macam rupa ninja. bukan tocang nicely, but buruk-ly. haha.. malu tgk gambar sendiri. so hanya ada gambar babies je la.
And the first week after the operation memang sangat seksa. Sakit. Emotional. Frustrated sebab tak dapat nk hold my babies and breasfeed them. And my Maisara kena tahan kat wad sebab slightly jaundiced, then Maisara discharged, Marissa pulak admitted. My blood pressure plak naik time tu. And my hubby pulak dah kehabisan cuti and terpaksa went back to Labuan even Marissa was still in the ward. Masa tu perasaan bercampur baur. Tapi mujur ada mak and family members yang lain. Everything menjadi tenang and teratur and aku pun makin sihat.. Alhamdulillah."
sampai situ je aku tulis.. haha.. oklah kan than nothing.. chiow!
sampai situ je aku tulis.. haha.. oklah kan than nothing.. chiow!
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