Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The way we speak, it makes a difference.

Someone shared this video on FB. I watched it. Knowing what to expect. They were playing some racism act, and some people will stand up againts it. And that's exactly what happened pun.. But..

But, when it comes to the last woman, i don't know why.. but i cried. I watched the same video 3 times, and i cried each time bila sampai part perempuan last tu.

The main point this video conveys is about racism. But i learned so much beyond that. It's the way we speak that makes a difference. The way we speak.

That lady speaks from her heart. Not out of hatred. But out of love. No sarcasm. No condemning. And i can feel that she's sincerely menasihati perempuan tu, sampai perempuan tu pun menangis, padahal perempuan tu cuma berlakon je. Dengan orang yg previously tu, perempuan tu teruskan sikap kurang ajar dia sampai ke sudah, but with this lady, perempuan tu terus ckp elok2. Like she really respects her. She couldn't even provoke her further, i think because she feels an instant respect towards that lady.

That lady asked perempuan tu to apologize, so that she can sleep better tonight. And the look on her face, when she said "trust me... trust me.. ",  i don't know.. i feel like she's talking to me. That's why it strucks me deep.

She hugged her. And said. "That's what works for us. H.U.G.S. Helping Us Grow Spiritually". Couldn't agree more. Everybody needs a sincere hug. A hug that says "don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay".

Aku jeles. How did she get that ability to stay calm, even when she's feeling angry and frustrated? Because knowing me, i'd talk like a machine gun when i'm angry. Maybe kena train myself to really think before i talk. Speak slowly. One word by one word. Just like that lady.


Because i want to sleep better at nights.  

I'm writing it all in here, so that it can reminds me everytime i read it. Coz i forget too easily. 

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