Sunday, 29 July 2012

a bun in the oven.

Owh.. another entry i found yang aku tak publish..hehe.. this one masa mula2 dpt tahu aku preggy.. when i was teaching in Kuching, Sarawak..tersenyum sorang2 bila baca blk.. haha...

"Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Tak terkata gembiranya bila dapat tahu aku pregnant!!!! Masa nak wat test tu memang chuak giler! takut jugak kecewa. and kalau pregnant pun takut jugak actually. huhu..

After 7 days since my period was due, i bought the pregnancy test strip. I couldn't wait any longer. I need to find out. So balik je skolah terus test. And taraaaaaa!!! There were 2 lines visible on the strip thingy. terus aku keluar toilet jerit pada housemate untuk confirmkan that i wasn't halucinating. And we were all so excited. dengan pakai towel peluk2.. haha..

and i felt like my chest was gonna explode selagi i dont share this great news with my loved ones.. so i called kak lily. and my hubby!!!!! OMG.. i love his reaction.. like really speechless and he was just laughing and we couldn't stop praising The Lord. Syukur sangat2!!

And i told my very best friends and family members yg lain. Haven't announced it on facebook yet because belum jumpa doctor lagi untuk sahkan and i think it's still too early kot.. rilek la dulu.. hehe..

And paling tak leh blah, cikgu2 kat skolah mmg dah anggap aku pregnant without anyone telling them that i am. and when i asked, how come they so sure? and they said they can see it. I always penat and mengantuk and selalu tdo atas sofa kat bilik guru. hiks.. yeke? malunyer~

Apa2 pun, aku still perlu praying hard so that baby lam perut ni akan sihat walafiat and moga semuanya selamat. amiin.

Terima kasih ya Allah di atas segala kurniaanMu :)"


Adibah :) said...

fuhhh cemas gile aku baca ko punye tajuk entry babe, ingatkan another one coming dah! haha. but anyways, congratz again, sebab dgn tabah n gigihnya membesarkan babies yg comels wpun juju jauh :)

Rynn said...

Hahaha... baca la the first para pun i've mentioned kn.. hiks...

Rynn said...

Hahaha... baca la the first para pun i've mentioned kn.. hiks...