Tuesday 22 December 2009

Dub.. dab!!


I know it's not dat necessary to be soOOO nervous.. but i am! Hukhuk.. Everyone is so busy.. quite bosan.

Thank God for giving me such a committed sister and auntie.. haha.. Thanks kak lily and ateh for supporting me all the way.. Tak tau what to do without them.

And how i wish kak cha could be here as well.. cuti is sooOO la not that happening without her and my beloved nephews and nieces. :(

Nasib baik ramai anak2 sedara lain.. boleh menumpang manja ngn dorang.. eh, bukan dorang ke menumpang manja ngn aku??

anywayziess... eventhough my heart could not stop accelerating, im still happy and excited! hehe..

i've got a long to-do-list. hopefully manage to get everything done before the time. Amiiin~

ok nak sambung counting the days... hik :)


bingkisan said...

dupdap... dupdap... dupdap... dupdap dupdap dupdap..dupdapdupdapdupdapdupdap

osmetJU said...

rasa resah gelisah? gunekan nescaffee -osmet ju-

Rynn said...

nescafe makes me more nervous kot.. takleh2..

riaizzatirazali said...

hahaha. alhamdulillah. aku still sihat walafiat. hik. byk la ko. mmg aku x tdo kot mlm tu pk sempat ke x. ikut kan hati nak je tdo sana tp cam penuh la pulak kan. haha. anyhoo, i lebiu. take good care of yourself. jaga title 'tunang' tu elok2 k? ;)

riaizzatirazali said...

hahaha. alhamdulillah. aku still sihat walafiat. hik. byk la ko. mmg aku x tdo kot mlm tu pk sempat ke x. ikut kan hati nak je tdo sana tp cam penuh la pulak kan. haha. anyhoo, i lebiu. take good care of yourself. jaga title 'tunang' tu elok2 k? ;)