Wednesday 7 July 2010

Nasib? Oh no.. let's call it Ketentuan.

Manusia hanya merancang.

Tapi, Allah yang menentukan segalanya.

Dan sesungguhnya, rancangan Allah itu adalah yang terbaik.

When things don't go your way.. what would you feel?

Frustrated? Stressed? Sad? Demotivated?

Of course la.. kan?

Tapi sampai bila?

Hidup mesti diteruskan.. tak kira macam mana payah pun.

Hey Rozzairin.. you've been through a lot k. A LOT!!!!

And Allah has taught you well. Like the saying goes.. "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". And it's true.

This is nothing compared to what you had to go through before..

But this time, the difference is just that you're no longer single. You've dragged him into your world yang full of 'Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan'.

So, YOU TWO have to go through this TOGETHER.

And get ready for the next chapters to come.


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