Thursday 24 February 2011

Made in Labuan :)

Salam.. Pertama sekali aku nak ucap Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Syukur tak terhingga kepada Allah. :D

Minggu ni saje ada 2 berita yang tersangat2 gembira buat aku dan suami.

Earlier this week, i found out that i'm pregnant!!! Yes, finally! And ironically.. aku baru je membebel pasal preggy2 ni dalam entry yg lepas.. tup tup, dah ada isi.. hikhik.

And today baru ada masa nak pergi jumpa doctor. So the doctor did the scan-scan thingy on my belly, and suddenly she asked,

"Do you have any history of twins in your family?"

"Yes.. why? OMG! don't tell me it's a twin?!"

"Well, looks like there are two sacs in there"


And she showed me the monitor. I saw two bulat-bulat thingy melekat to each other. It was amazing! Seriously amazing! And i couldn't stop laughing, and tau tak apa aku terbayang? Kawan-kawan my husbands yang selalu usik kitorang about having twin or triplet. Mawi and his twin sons, Wawan, Tun, Amir, Sabri, Syed, Fitri. All the faces flashed depan mata aku dengan gelak ketawa yg nakal. Coz we've been joking around about these twin thingy. About the tips and the techniques.. and tak sangka pulak jadi kenyataan.. haha. And we didn't follow the tips pun.. so mungkin tips tu ada flaws kot. Kena review semula tu..hik~

Tapi doctor cakap it's still too early. Kandungan aku baru berusia 6 minggu. One of them might not survive. There are still risks involved. So i need to pray hard and pray for the best. Moga both of them selamat dilahirkan dengan sempurna.. amiin. And doctor bitau the due date is 21st October insyaAllah. Selamat after raya.. Boleh la melantak rendang dan ketupat lagi tahun ni. hihi..

Of course aku happy sangat2 and tak berhenti ucap syukur. Tapi at the same time i'm soO freaked out! Ye lar.. this is my first experience. Suddenly terus dapat 2. Mampukah aku? Dengan suamiku masih di Labuan. Adoi.. sedih gak bila pikirkan.

Tapi aku yakin, kalau aku tak mampu hadapi, takkan la Allah nak bagi.. ye tak? So, insyaAllah everything's gonna be just fine..

Please2 doakan kami sekeluarga :)


Nana Said said...

OMG!tahniah babe!all the heartache selama nie, rupanya Allah nak bagi rezeki besar kat ko...hopefully both survive...harap they both strong macam mummy likey!bagi aku satu boley? ;P

riaizzatirazali said...

aku nak satu jugak!!! hikkkk! congrats syg! murah rezeki ko tiba2 dpt 2 org sekaligus, u hv to be very strong k, n jaga betul2 ok, dont forget that. i am so happy for you! ;)

Rynn said...

hahaha.. nana sorang, ria sorang.. abes la da anak aku.. hik..

thank u korang.. i'm so happy jugak.. and pls be prepared to melayan 2 babies k.. korang wajib!!!!

Nana Said said...

act...still digesting the fact yang ko bakal dapat twins...seronoknye la kan...jeles...

Rynn said...

tu la.. aku pun macam caya tak caya je lagi ni.. hik.. tp mmg excited lar :)

pujah said...

ryn!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!