Thursday 22 January 2015

Finally! Laki ku dapat pindah!

Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah.....

Syukur setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran pada Allah. Akhirnya penantian yang sekian lama berakhir juga. Tadi Jumi called, ckp the final result of the final meeting dah keluar. And he will be transfered to Kerteh bermula 1 Mac 2015. Though i already expected it sebab last week he's told me that they have received an email regarding this.. so the chance is about 99% .. And today is the confirmation. Alhamdulillah rezeki dariNya.

I wanna go to Labuan before you come back here plssss... i wanna say good bye kepada tanah yang menyimpan seribu kenangan manis dan kenangan paling pahit dalam hidup ni. After all, you've gotta cherish your life, your memories, be it the good ones or the bad ones. I wanna cherish them all. Labuan... sebuah nama yang bila aku sebut, akan ada perasaan manis dan pahit. nak tersenyum dan menangis at the same time. Ada satu tusukan tajam dan kemudian, ada air penawar yg mengalir juga. Complicated sungguh. haha...

I can foresee my life in the next 2 months. It's not gonna be the same anymore. InsyaAllah we'll be able to move into  our new home. And new working hours for me. New school for M&M's. And of course new lifestyle with him around. Wheeeee! I'm so looking forward to it.

Owh rasa nk berjoget dan menyanyi riang.. lalalalala~


Anonymous said...

Alhamfulillah. Tahniah rynn

adiba said...

wah! alhamdulillah congratss im so happy for both of you :D

Rynn said...

thank you Farah and dibah.. :)