Tuesday 16 February 2010

Just a phase i'm going through.

Wedding ceremony.

Now i know why those who're getting married menangis ari2 bila tiba bab planning.

Tapi aku tak nangis la.. Aku kata aku paham jek kenapa dorang menangis.

Too many things to plan. Too many ideas and suggestions from too many people. I have to consider all of them. And put aside my own interest.

I have my own dream for my wedding. Is it too hard for them to understand?

Im not being unrealistic pun. I know who i am. Masih berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Aku tak pernah lupa diri. Aku sedar diri aku siapa. So please dont worry.

I want it to be a small and simple ceremony. But meaningful. (ayat cliche) hik!. Whatevs~

Ok perhatian.. saya tidak berjk di sini. Cuma nak mengomel jek. :)

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