Monday 27 September 2010

Finding a reason to survive.

Aku tak tau la kenapa, tapi tinggal di Kuching ni banyak buat aku teringatkan hidup aku masa kat UK dulu.. Single and survival. Seriously the life I'm living right now, is very similar to my days back in Bangor. But of course, Bangor lagi seronok. (I'm sorry people, i still cannot get over it).

I miss him so badly!!

Everyday i wake up in the morning, just to find myself counting how many days left before i get to meet him. Because that's the only strong reason i can hold on to, to survive all this.

I know time seems to move slower when u keep on counting like that. But i can't help myself.

Cepatlah hari Jumaat!! Kan bagus kalau aku ada time machine. Selesai masalah!

I hate you! Yes you! You who sent me here! I really hate you! Bluek!!

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