Sunday 4 September 2011

Aidilfitri 2011

Salam Aidilfitri...

Fuh.. mencabar sungguh beraya bersama2 perut yang sarat mengandung. But i still had a great time during raya this year. Ini tahun kedua kami beraya sebagai suami isteri. And first time aku sambut raya di Terengganu, rumah mak mertua. Meriah giler kot! And honestly speaking, memang seronok raya tahun ni. Maybe because of the addition in my tummy kot and the extra attention and care given by my husband and everyone around me. i feel more blessed..Alhamdulillah. And my friend from Johor, Ann aka semut ada datang beraya kat umah aku. sangat terharu! Thank you ann! tapi borak punya borak smpai terlupa nak ambik gambar.. huhu.. tahun depan kena datang lagi la kot.. huehue..

And tahun ni hanya sempat beraya ke rumah Polar. Lama sangat tak jumpa my bestie ni and dah jmpe ni baru berpeluang nak update each other. Really miss her.

About my pregnancy plak, I am now entering minggu ke-34. Hopefully babies dapat bertahan till at least minggu ke-37. Which is more or less 4 weeks from now. Macam2 benda bermain di fikiran ni. Will my babies survive? will i survive? what if i die? Will my husband make it there in time before the delivery? will he stand being in the labour room with me? will i be able to deliver the natural way or will my tummy be cut open? uwaaa! takut ok.

Last 2 nights before my husband went back to Labuan, i broke down into tears in his arms, asking for his forgiveness, telling him i love him so much, in case aku tak sempat nak jumpa dia dah lepas ni n in case i didn't make it after giving birth. Coz we all know, our nyawa is like telur di hujung tanduk masa melahirkan anak. Anything can happen. And thinking about all the possibilities selalu buat aku menangis sorang2. Tapi takde la sepanjang masa. Cuma ada masa2 aku bersendirian tu, mulalah nak layan blues..

Tapi most of the times, i'm happy and excited to meet the twin. Aku berdoa moga Allah berikan aku peluang berjmpa dan membesarkan dorang. Bila dah masuk 8 bulan ni, kaki and tangan dah sembab. hidung pun dah kembang. haha.. lawak plak aku tgk muka sendiri. And kalau aku baring, kena ada orang tolong tarik tangan and support me baru aku mampu bangun coz my perut is super duper heavy i couldn't get up by myself. hik. Nak drive memang dah tak mampu. Berjalan pun dengan kelajuan siput sedut dan dengan lenggokkan itik. After raya ni i have to mintak MC la smpai beranak. Coz memang dah tak mampu nak gi keje. huhu...Erm, tu je kot nk bebel. Please doakan moga semuanya dipermudahkan and selamat k. Thank you all!

p\s: To my hubby, thank you for taking such a good care of me and treating me extra special. i felt like a princess when you were around. Thank you Allah for lending him to me. I love you Abang! xoxo :D


aleya said...

babe! besarnyeee tummy!! hee :))

but be sure, you still gorgeous as ever ^^

p.s. tak sabar nak jumpa the gurls jugeee

Rynn said...

hehe.. thanks dear! nanti wajib turun kuantan jmpe my twin tau.. :)

shidahjess said...

may allah ease everything 4 ryn, ju n the twins.......insyaallah......hang in there

Rynn said...

ameen.. thank u kak shidah :)