Saturday 2 January 2010

Trouble is a friend.

I like the song. Trouble is a friend. Its true. As for me, trouble is really my best friend kot.

Since aku kecik, hidup aku memang dipenuhi masalah. Sometimes aku tahu camne nak handle. Tapi most of the times aku lost.

Ada orang are just so lucky, perjalanan hidup dia mudah je. Maybe ada rintangan here and there, but eventually everything went smooth and steady. They have a perfect family. Mak. Ayah. Siblings. How i wish my life can be that easy.

Tapi, kalau hidup takde masalah langsung, tak boring ke? Macam my beloved cikgu maria pernah cerite, ada student dia yg tak pernah been down there. Tak pernah failed. Tak pernah tak dapat apa yang dia nak. Everything was smooth for him. Sampai he got nothing to share about his experiences dalam personal statement. Gosh.. how boring!

Tapi Alhamdulillah, i still consider myself lucky. Apart from all the sad things, aku still hidup sihat, gembira, disayangi (perasan!) dan ada arah hidup.

But i cant bear seeing my loved ones suffer. And there's nothing i can do to help. Sigh~

Sometimes, bukan salah dorang when things went wrong. And yes, things always went wrong for some people. I don't know why. Maybe nasib dorang macam tu. Maybe Allah just want to test them. But i know it's too much to bear.

Orang akan blame kita. Orang akan judge kita while they don't even know the real situation. How unfair! just shut the **** up u people!!!

I know, everyone ada masalah masing-masing. Aku tak layak pun untuk merungut. But im not whining over my own problem. But it hurts me now thinking over problems orang lain. I can be selfish. I can just ignore and lepas tangan. But i couldnt. And it hurts me even more knowing that aku tak boleh buat apa2 to help. Very frustrating.

Sekarang ni, aku hanya mampu berdoa. Supaya Allah permudahkan segalanya bagi mereka.

Okay.. entry ni sangat panjang dan melalut. I just need to release the batu in my head.

Hoping for a better tomorrow. :)


Anonymous said...

sabar byk2 ye...

Zara Yasmine said...

Hey hun, first and foremost, congrats on the engagement!! Im sorry me+abg couldnt be there..dah habis cuti ^_^

So skrg kat P'jaya ke?

bingkisan said...

liku2 kehidupan..u remind me pd satu lirik lagu:

jgn difikirkan derita akan berpanjangan, kelak akan membawa putus asa pada diri