Wednesday 13 November 2013

Marriage box

1) Most people get married believing a myth that marriage is a beautiful box full of all the things they have longed for; Companionship, intimacy, friendship etc..

But the truth is...

2) That marriage at the start is an empty box.

Cuba bayangkan, masa mula-mula kahwin, perkahwinan kita tu ibarat satu kotak kosong. Cinta tiada dalam perkahwinan.

Tapi cinta itu ada dalam diri kita. Kita yang perlu letakkan nilai cinta dalam perkahwinan tu.

Tiada romance dalam perkahwinan, tapi kita yang kena serapkan nilai romance tu.

That marriage box, we need to keep the box full. Don't take out more than what we put in, otherwise, the box will be empty. Kosong. Kosong daripada rasa cinta, rasa kasih, rasa rindu, setia, tanggungjawab.

I'm sorry for keeping the box empty. I took out more than i put in. I'm so sorry abang. I'm so sorry for not knowing better. I'll improve, i promise. InsyaAllah. Please don't give up on me.

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