Friday 8 May 2009


I'ts no secret that many don't like a high-maintenance girl. Mula-mula dulu, aku macam salah anggap jugak pasal high-maintenance person ni. Ingatkan dorang high maintenance dari segi material items je, u know, handbags, shoes, clothes, but.. apparently, dorang jugak require a lot of things such as affection and tidyness.

Well, actually me and my housemates were watching our favourite sitcom, Friends tadi. And ada la satu scene ni bagi aku sangat lah sweet.. hehe..

Monica was very bengang when Phoebe called her high-maintenance. And dia macam cuba buktikan yang dia ni bukan such a person la. Then, dia suruh Chandler, her boyfriend, go and tell Phoebe and Rachel yang dia bukan high-maintenance, but turns out, Chandler termengaku yang Monica memang a little bit high-maintenance, and also not easy-going (setelah serabut di push oleh Monica).

And then Monica macam merajuk... Then comes the best part. Chandler pergi pujuk lah kan, of course. And he says..

"You're not easy going, but you're passionate. And that's good. And when you get upset about the little things, I think that i'm pretty good at making you feel better about that. And that's good too. So, they can say that you're high-maintenance but that's okay, coz i like... MAINTAINING you..".

Aaawww... That is soOOO so So sweet okay! I don't know about you guys, but i'm so flattered~

Chandler sangat best!

And now, i wonder, is it a good or a bad thing to be a high-maintenance? But i'm sure guys don't like to have one such girl.. do they? erm.. maybe.. or maybe not..

But i don't want to be one. I hope so lah kan.. huhu..

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