Sunday 9 February 2014


Is this PMS thingy for real? Or do we women just take it as an excuse? I tried to google about it this morning. I just googled PMS image. Then, thousands of images appeared. It's so scary of how they potray women with PMS. Dah macam monster je. huhu..

And i found this image saying "My fear is that PMS doesn't exist and this is my real personality". Actually dari semalam lagi aku tertanya, lepas aku naik hantu smalam, bila dah tenang, datang terfikir plak.. During PMS kan, adakah kita menjadi diri kita sendiri? selama ni kita boleh control and berlakon, kita ada kelebihan tuk bersabar, tapi bila PMS datang, kita tak boleh sorok diri kita yang sebenar, dan itulah diri kita kalau nak tahu.


Adakah bila PMS menyerang, we are not ourselves anymore. Selama ni kita jadi diri kita yang sebenar, baik je, sabar je, tapi once PMS datang that's it, you are losing control of yourself and suddenly kita tak jadi diri kita sendiri and instead kita bertukar jadi makhluk super horror. So which one?

During PMS, is that the real you, OR is that someone you are not? Only for that particular period of time. Mana satu?

Aku just harap during PMS, we are becoming someone we are not. I really hope that this is not the real me. I don't want to be that person. Full of anger. Full of frustration. Full of sadness. No, i really hope that's not who i really am. I just hope this pms thingy is turning me into someone else, not myself. And when it's gone, i can go back to my real person. The real me.

Bila PMS menyerang, mulut aku mcam bertih jagung. I can talk pot pet pot pet non stop! and end up feeling bad sebab i've said things yang unnecessary and hurt people around me. Dah bape juta kali aku pesan kat diri sendiri, kalau marah, stop talking. Jangan berckp. Coz i know dgn mulut aku yang macam %$#& ni, for sure akan sakitkan hati orang and buat orang terluka. Sometimes i managed to diam kejap je, once aku bukak mulut that's it. There's no turning back. You are finished. huhu.. aku jumpa tadi satu article, dia ckp secara purata pompuan akan membebel lebih kurang 20 minit sehari, tapi during PMS, it can goes up to 45 mins. That is like double the time! 

Then aku google lagi dan lagi, apa yang aku baca memang sama je. Kesian para lelaki. Kena menghadapi kegilaan perempuan setiap bulan. I hate to blame PMS for all this. Tapi it's true, kenapa hati ni membuak lain macam. You can't contain it. The feeling macam nk burst and explode. Jantung akan berdenyut laju and kemarahan akan membara dan membara. Orang yang tak pernah rasa takkan paham. You know it's just pms. Aku pesan kat diri sendiri, rynn, ko tengah pms ni, so sabar ye sayang. NOpe! Dia takkan dengar dah. Masa tu dia tak heran dah nak jadi apa pun jadi la. PMS ke menatang apa ke, she don't care! Janji dia boleh mengamuk. Haa.. macam tu. gila kan? Shit la.. memang gila! Kenapa wei kenapa? 

Owh PMS, pulangkan balik kewarasan aku. Pulangkan balik kesabaran aku. Pulangkan. Dan nyah ko jauh2. Jangan porak-perandakan hidup aku. SObssss...Habis aura positif aku... menciknya!!!

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